I worked at the Arizona Center for Integrative medicine for about 6 years. When I first started I did mainly flash movies that served as introductions to their online education courses. We hired a great marketing manager and I began working with her to develop more of our business/marketing/branding side of things. Contained here is just a small sample of some of the materials I generated, including annual reports, brochures, illustrations, and mailers.
A full page single fold brochure about the UA and AzCIM’s new clinic in Phoenix, AZ.
Interior, page 2.
Interior, page 3.
Back of IHC brochure
IHC Poster version 1
IHC Poster version 2
Development Interest card, front.
Development Interest card, back.
Cover for the Integrative Mental Health Conference brochure. I was given full creative control, no ID or branding had been done for it prior.
Interior of IMHC brochure.
I tried to reuse the silhouette ‘logo’ and colors as much as I could to give it flow and balance.
Back of IMHC brochure. I used the blocks as an allusion to pieces of our psyche and our overall mental health.
Mailer for the IMHC.
Integrative Medicine Distinction Track brocure
Back cover for the IMDT brochure
IMDT brochure interior, page 3.
IMDT brochure interior, page 2.
2011 Annual Report
A line drawing illustrating how to find the p6 acupuncture point.
Gestational diabetes informational chart.
Diabetes algorithm flow chart.
Illustration of ‘The Celiac Iceberg’
Spontaneous Happiness front
Spontaneous Happiness back
Dr. Andrew Weil mailer front
Dr. Andrew Weil mailer back
Ticket for Nutrition & Health Conference version 1
Ticket for Nutrition & Health Conference version 2