Wood And Paper Bargaining Council Main Agreement

The Industrial Relations Act provides for the self-regulation of industries by the Bargaining Council. NBCWPS provides services to its parties and non-parties that fall within its scope: * Forum and institutions of collective bargaining * Settlement of labour disputes. * Application of collective agreements. * Forum and process for negotiating and regulating employee benefits. * Processing of requests for exemption from collective agreements * Contributions and proposals on political and legislative developments. The Industrial Relations Act (LRA) provides for the establishment of negotiating councils for each of the most important sectors in South Africa. The National Bargaining Council for the Wood and Paper Sector (NBCWPS) is composed of representatives of the main trade unions and employer groups in each of the sectors, whose main objective is to reach consensus on the basic conditions of employment for their specific industries. Click on the links below to view agreements by industry and year. Industry Calendar 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 2020/20 2020/21 1 Pulp & Paper View View View 2 Tissue & Allied View View 3 Sawmill View 4 Fiber and Chipboard View View View 4 Fiber and Chipboard View Right-Click on the view and select “Save target as… ». The Council shall be composed on the basis of equal representation of employers` and workers` representatives. All employers registered in the industry are eligible to join the Board either as a party (through a specific employer association in the industry) or as a non-party. Trade unions wishing to reach an agreement with the Council must have at least 1000 workers in the sector. Levy contributions are divided equally between the employer and the employee.

For employees employed by an employer party to the Council, their contribution is R4 of the employee and R4 of the employer, the total contribution being R8.00 for an individual employee. Employees who are employed by the employer and who are not non-partisan or who are not themselves members of the unions that are parties to the Board are charged with R8, with their employer paying the same amount for a single employee. In total, their levy is R16.00.