Getting To Yes Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In Ebook

Although dry and somewhat outdated, this book gives a useful fleeting overview of basic negotiation tactics. The advice given by the book focuses on the following principles: 1. Separation of people from. Читать весь отзыв Getting to Yes offers a proven, progressive strategy to reach mutually acceptable agreements in any type of conflict. Updated and thoroughly revised, it offers readers a simple, universally applicable method for negotiating personal and professional quarrels without getting angry or angry. __________________________THE WORLD`S BESTSELLING GUIDE TO NEGOTIATIONGetting to Yes has been printed for over thirty years. This timeless classic has helped millions of people achieve win-win deals both at work and in private life. Based on principles such as:· Do not trade positions. Separating people from the problem and insisting on objective criteriaZ`oui to come simplifies the entire negotiation process and offers a very effective framework that guarantees success. This is Harvard Business School`s method of moving away from position negotiations.

Some great ideas to find solutions and be a genuine negotiator. Several chapters on how to treat those who will not play this way. Читать весь отзыв Perhaps you have already asked for this article. Please select Ok if you still want to continue this request. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. `); doc.close (); } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById (iframeId); = “; setTimeout (function () { setIframeHeight (initialResizeCallback); } function getDocHeight (doc) { var contentDiv doc.getByElementId (“iframeContent”); if (contentDiv)} docHeight = Math.max ( contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight ) } return docHeight ; } function setIframeHeight (resizeCallback) { var iframeDoc, iframe = document. getElementById (iframeId); iframeDoc = (iframe.contentWindow & iframe.contentWindow.document) || iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) { var h = getDocHeight (iframeDoc); if (h & h = 0) { = parseInt (h) + `px`; if (typeof resizeCallback = = “function”) { resizeCallback (iframeId); } else if (nTries Enter below your phone number or email address and we send you a link to download the free Kindle app. Then you can read kindle books on your smartphone, tablet or computer – no need for a Kindle device.

Some promotions may be combined; others cannot be combined with other offers. For more information, see the terms and conditions of sale of these promotions. The key text on problem-solving negotiation-updated and revised В нашем крупнейшем в мире магазине преставлены электроные кннииги, которые мозно читать в браузере, на планшетном ПК, телефоне или специальном устроойстве. William Ury is co-founder of Harvard`s Program on Negotiation, where he leads the prevention project. Among his former clients are dozens of fortune 500 companies, as well as the White House and the Pentagon. Ury received his B.A. from Yale and a Ph.D. in anthropology from Harvard. His books Getting to YES and Getting Past No have sold more than five million times worldwide. He lives in Boulder, Colorado. . Getting to Yes has helped millions of people learn a better way to negotiate.

It is one of the most important business texts of modern times, based on the work of the Harvard Negotiation Project, a group that deals with all levels of negotiation and conflict resolution. HathiTrust Digital Library, Limited View (search only). . Please choose whether other users can see in your profile that this library is one of your favorites or not….